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Jamie-Pascal von der Sperlingshöhe
Sevannah von der Goldenen Sima
vom Hagedorn (closed)
Pet Name: Elias
Date of Birth: 30 July 2011
Registration: SACC 21107106
Stud Number: 7962
Title: Supreme Champion
Imported from: Germany
Lucky Sibibirskoe Knyazhestvo
Quitta Schwäbische Neva
Artekatz Siberians
Pet Name: Harley
Date of Birth: 21 December 2013
Registration: SACC 21312119
Title: Champion
Elias vom Hagedorn
Artékatz Harlequin
Pet Name: Yahoo
Date of Birth: 20 February 2015
Registration: SACC 21502032
Stud Number: 8163
Veresk Onix Gloria
Kazachka Onix Gloria
Sibirskoe Knyazhestvo (closed)
Siberia, Russia
Pet Name: Lucky
Date of Birth: 2 December 2011
Registration: SACC 21112186
Stud Number: 7988
Imported from: Russia
Schwäbische Neva (closed)
Pet Name: Quagga
Date of Birth: 12 March, 2012
Registration: SACC 21203134