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Pet Name: Cognac
Date of Birth: 18 December 2019
Registration: SACC 2019120010
Stud Number: 8488
Pet Name: Ull
Date of Birth: 25 March 2020
Registration: SACC 2020030095
Stud Number: 8469
Imported from: Czech Republic
Pet Name: Sprite
Date of Birth: 28 October 2019
Registration: SACC 2019100048
Pet Name: Sheffield Stud number:
Date of Birth: 15 November 2020
Registration: SACC 2020110006
Pet Name: Madison
Date of Birth: 26 March 2018
Registration: SACC 2018030087
Pet Name: Rosie
Date of Birth: 24 January 2020
Registration: SACC 2020010012
Pet Name: Zena
Date of Birth: 13 October 2019
Registration: CSFA M3467
Pet Name: Zwicky
Date of Birth: 6 October 2020
Registration: SACC 2020100012
Stud Number:
Pet Name: Sally
Date of Birth: 30 March 2021
Registration: SACC 2021030009
Pet Name: Nile
Date of Birth: 11 November 2017
Registration: SACC 2019090015
Rusich Nebesnaja Lazur’ of Neva Angels
Lucia Snow Magic of Neva Angels QGC
Lazuli Siberian
Pet Name: Sascha
Date of Birth: 4 October 2019
Registration: SACC 2019100220
Pet Name: Silver Belle
Date of Birth: 20 June 2020
Registration: SACC 2020060004
Pet Name: Lady Marmalade
Date of Birth: 14 September 2020
Registration: SACC 2020090006
Pet Name: Capella
Date of Birth: 27 December 2018
Registration: SACC 2018120017
Pet Name: Florin
Date of Birth: 20 June 2020
Registration: SACC 2020060002
Pet Name: Matisse
Date of Birth: 22 October 2017
Registration: SACC 2017100079
Title: Supreme Champion
Stud Number: 8356
Pet Name: Qwela
Date of Birth: 4 January 2019
Registration: SACC 2019010059
Jamie-Pascal von der Sperlingshöhe
Sevannah von der Goldenen Sima
vom Hagedorn (closed)
Pet Name: Elias
Date of Birth: 30 July 2011
Registration: SACC 21107106
Stud Number: 7962
Title: Supreme Champion
Imported from: Germany
Pet Name: Harley
Date of Birth: 21 December 2013
Registration: SACC 21312119
Title: Champion
Pet Name: Yahoo
Date of Birth: 20 February 2015
Registration: SACC 21502032
Stud Number: 8163
Title: Supreme Champion
Pet Name: Xero
Date of Birth: 28 August 2018
Registration: SACC 2018080057
Stud Number: 84148
Title: Champion